Thank you all for the continued support, our 2nd annual cookie drive “Operation Cookie Drop 2020,” was a huge success!! We met and exceeded our desired goal of $1000 (or 200 boxes) and raised a whopping $1290. That’s 258 boxes of Girl Scout deliciousness. Through our combined efforts, even more troops than last year will receive a little taste of home. With the help of Emma Bledsoe, Girl Scout and daughter of our Digital-C manager Ken Bledsoe, along with Omar Columbus, numerous boxes of Girl Scout Cookies will be sent to our brave men and women serving on the front lines. Emma, for the second year in a row, was her troops top seller.
One team, one fight! Mission Success! Thank you, Emma and Girl Scout Troop 6407, and everyone here at team Duggal for another great cookie drive! If anyone in our Duggal work family has a family member or friend who is currently deployed overseas, please reach out to Omar Columbus at x1037, and let him know. We will send your loved one some cookies and a care package from all of us here at Duggal.