Duggal Vissual Solutions Green Story | Photo Printing NYC

  • High-quality, sustainable printing solutions utilizing recycled
    and green materials.
  • High-quality, sustainable printing solutions utilizing recycled and green materials.
  • LEED Gold eco-production headquarters.
  • Forestry Stewardship Council certified, and a sustainable green printer.
  • Forestry Stewardship Council certified, Rainforest Alliance certified, and a sustainable green printer.
  • Recycled 75.55% of our waste in 2023.
  • 100% VOC-free printing.
  • Member of the 1 Million Tree Challenge.
Leading the Industry in Sustainable Production
Duggal is proud to have the only LEED Gold graphic production facility in the United States, with features including solar and wind power, rainwater collection, LED lighting, and sustainable building materials. We have attained every major green certification in the printing industry including Forestry Stewardship Council Certified (FSC), Sustainable Green Printer (SGP) status, and Rainforest Alliance certification. Our sustainable printing solutions include energy-saving printing technology, recyclable printing materials, compostable packaging options, and chemical-free printing processes.
Innovation Meets Sustainability
Waste Recycled 2023
VOC-free Printing Presses
Trees Planted by Duggal till date
Printing Impression
Ava Digital Awards
Ava Digital Awards
Our Sustainable Practices
Full Sustainable Project Life Cycle